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Professor David Kavanamur

Professor David Kavanamur

Managing Director, Kumul Consolidated Holdings Ltd


David was appointed Managing Director of state-owned Kumul Consolidated Holdings (KCH) in 2021 after previously being its Chairman.

An academic by training, he has a long and distinguished career in public administration.

He has served as Economic and Infrastructure Adviser to PNG’s Prime Minister, delivered major economic development programs as a Senior Director at

Before entering pubic administration, he was Foundation Professor of Management, Strategic Management Division at the University of PNG and holds a PhD from the University of Western Sydney.

KCH is the entity which holds in trust, the Government’s non-petroleum and non-mining assets. KCH (formerly known as IPBC) was established in July 2002 under the Independent Public Business Corporation of Papua New Guinea Act 2002.  It is mandated to hold all Government-owned commercial assets in trust and to manage those assets to improve commercial performance and underpin economic development.

State-owned enterprises under KCH’s management includes Air Niugini, PNG Dataco, Telikom PNG, PNG Ports Corporation, PNG Power, Water PNG, Post PNG, Motor Vehicles Insurance Limited and Kumul Agriculture.