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If your business does business with Papua New Guinea, you can’t afford to miss this respected international event.


Nirmal Singh

Nirmal Singh

Managing Director, Vodafone PNG


Nirmal has over 30 years of ICT experience. He has worked in Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and Papua New Guinea for leading ICT companies in the respective countries.

Nirmal’s first assignment in PNG was a three months secondment in 1995 for a leading ICT Company. From 1998 to 2002, he was the Engineering Manager for the same company based in Port Moresby before moving to Australia to take a Systems Engineer role for a Data Center company with a presence in all the major cities of Australia.

In July 2012, he founded Digitec PNG to provide Innovative Technologies to the Government and Private sector. In later years, he established Etech ICT Singapore and Etech ICT Australia for the Dell EMC distribution business. He was the Group CEO from July 2012 until July 2022, before he was appointed Managing Director of Vodafone PNG. During his ten years of tenure, all ICT companies won many Industry awards from leading Brands, Including Digitec being awarded the Most Innovative Company of the year in 2017 by the PNG Institute of Directors.

Nirmal is a member of the PNG Institute of Directors and the Australian Institute of Directors and has has a Board seat on Vodafone PNG, which has invested over PGK1 Billion in the last two years to build a third Mobile Network in PNG, which employs over 300 national staff.

The service was launched over 100 days ago and is increasing its coverage daily throughout PNG. Vodafone is building Towers in the rural area to connect the unconnected. This massive investment will grow PNG’s GDP by 3% and bring innovative technology and employment to PNG nationals.