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Ian Tarutia

Ian Tarutia

President, Papua New Guinea Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Ian is CEO of NASFUND, PNG’s largest private sector superannuation fund, and is a career officer with over 30 years of superannuation administration experience. From July 2007, he was initially Joint CEO and took over as sole CEO in November 2011.

Ian is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Senior Affiliate of the Securities Institute of Australia, President of the Papua New Guinea Institute of Directors and Junior Vice President of the Papua New Guinea Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

In other capacities, Ian is a director or has served as a director on a number of listed and private company boards in the agriculture, aviation, catering, finance, properties, hotel, manufacturing, forestry, sports and savings and loan sectors.

He established the NASFUND Contributors Savings & Loan Society (NCSL) in 2003 to provide additional financial services to the NASFUND membership and today it is the largest savings and loan society in PNG by membership size.