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If your business does business with Papua New Guinea, you can’t afford to miss this respected international event.


Geri McMahon

Geri McMahon

Global Head of ESG, Asset Management Sector, KPMG Australia


Geri is a leader in KPMG’s Climate Change and Sustainability team in Australia. She advises the Asset and Wealth Management sector on ESG and Responsible Investment.

Geri joined KPMG in January 2023 after spending 13 years in London. Prior to joining KPMG, she was Co-Head of Responsible Investment at a global professional services firm where she led a diverse, multi-disciplinary team of ESG specialists in providing advice to UK institutional investors.

Throughout her career, Geri has been an ardent supporter of improving inclusion and diversity outcomes across the wider financial industry, and carries this approach through to her work with her clients.

Geri retains a truly global perspective in her investment thinking and approach. She is Chinese Australian, and lived in Hong Kong, Beijing and London prior to returning with her family to live in Sydney.