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If your business does business with Papua New Guinea, you can’t afford to miss this respected international event.


David Lawrence

David Lawrence

Chairman, PNGX Markets Limited


PNGX Markets (formerly Port Moresby Stock Exchange) is the national stock exchange of Papua New Guinea. It is responsible for running and maintaining the independent operations of the stock market in the country.

David has been Chairman of PNGX since 2018, when a majority equity in the exchange was acquired by Pacific Capital Markets Development. David is based in Sydney and has over 30 years’ experience in the operation of markets. He previously held senior roles at the Australian Securities Exchange for more than 20 years.

He was Chief Operating Officer of the Sydney Stock Exchange for five years, responsible for operationalising the relaunch of that market.

David is on the Advisory Board of Fine Art Bourse Limited, building a vertically integrated market ecosystem for the global diamond market. David has been a consultant to stock exchanges in the Asia Pacific region including in China. He served as the President of the Australasian Compliance Institute (now the Governance, Risk and Compliance Institute), the peak body for compliance professionals in the Asia Pacific region, for over seven years.



