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Aho Baliki

Aho Baliki

Managing Director, Heduru Moni Ltd


Aho Baliki is Managing Director of Heduru Moni Ltd (trading as Moni Plus).

A career banker with over 45 years’ experience who brings a wealth of banking knowledge and skills to the board. He held several senior management roles at Bank South Pacific (BSP), including managing director of PNGBC and National Development Bank.

At BSP, Baliki was part of the team that oversaw the bank’s full transformation from a regional-based entity to one that includes the Pacific and Asia.

Baliki was Chairman of Heduru Moni Ltd (trading as Moni Plus) from December 2020 and was appointed its Managing Director in 2022.

He is also director of Kumul Minerals Holdings, Broky Limited and Hela Investment Limited (the business arm of Hela Provincial Government) and has a wide network of contacts within the PNG business community.

