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If your business does business with Papua New Guinea, you can’t afford to miss this respected international event.


Keynote: Bernard Salt — Worldwide social change and what it means for Papua New Guinea

Keynote: Bernard Salt — Worldwide social change and what it means for Papua New Guinea

Presenting the results of an exclusive new study on PNG

Bernard Salt AM is one of Australia’s leading social commentators and business analysts. His keynote address will present the results of an exclusive new study on PNG commissioned by Business Advantage International especially for this conference.

Bernard draws upon vast datasets to interpret the overall trajectory of social change—in the past and into the future. He argues that social and cultural change are rising forces that are reshaping the way we live and work.

The author of six books, including The Big Tiltand Man Drought, Bernard writes two weekly columns for The Australiannewspaper and appears regularly on radio and television programs, most recently hosting a business television program, The Next Five Yearson Sky News. A former Partner at KPMG Australia, Bernard is an adjunct professor at Curtin University Business School and holds a Masters degree from Monash University.

Event Hours(1)

  • Monday 19 August 2019

    10.00 - 10.45

    Click the link above to read in full. Bernard is one of Australia’s leading social commentators and business analysts. His keynote address will present the results of an exclusive new study on PNG commissioned by Business Advantage International especially for this conference.

Keynote Speaker

Chris Riddell

Keynote speaker and Futurist