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Douglas Midland

Douglas Midland

Director, Structured Finance & Insurance Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)


Douglas works in the finance division within OPIC’s Structured Finance and Insurance Department where he underwrites financing for eligible project across a range of sectors and geographies. Prior to joining the Structured Finance group, Douglas spent time working within OPIC’s Credit Policy division, assessing the credit and transaction structure for all deals originated in the Structured Finance and SME Finance departments.

Previously, Douglas worked at Morgan Stanley & Co. in New York, spending time in both the private banking group for high net-worth individuals and family L.P.’s, and middle markets institutional sales and trading. Douglas is a fellow and member of the Next Generation Council at SR21, a non-profit research and assessment group focused on developing a comprehensive, long-term national strategy in the Asia-Pacific based on America’s core values.


PNG’s Energy Future — Day 2 (20 August)